Drinking water is good for you

Did you know that when you drink at least four glasses of water everyday you will not fall sick all the time. Some illnesses like flu, headaches and coughs can be stopped or prevented if you drink water every day.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Did you know that when you drink at least four glasses of water everyday you will not fall sick all the time. Some illnesses like flu, headaches and coughs can be stopped or prevented if you drink water every day.

Our bodies were made in such a way that water has to be used for everything that happens.

For example when you are playing with your friends and you sweat, you loose a lot of water from your body.

When you get hurt and you cry you are also loosing water from your body.

When you also spend the whole day eating sweets and chocolates and you suck a lot of sugar from the kitchen you will become very thirsty. This means you have lost too much water already. You should avoid eating sweets all the time besides they also spoil your teeth. I don’t think you want to be with rotten brown teeth.

Every time you feel thirsty your body is telling you to drink water. And if you don’t like drinking water you can drink a lot of fresh juice which is also very good.

When you do this you will be very healthy and good young boys and girls. So drink water all the time.
