Liberation struggle not in vain

Editor, On July 4, Rwandans celebrated 18 years since the country was liberated. The liberation struggle was launched in 1990 against a genocidal regime. Eighteen years down the road, Rwanda has achieved a lot. The government has, in such short time, produced unbelievable results, and united all Rwandans.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Editor,On July 4, Rwandans celebrated 18 years since the country was liberated. The liberation struggle was launched in 1990 against a genocidal regime. Eighteen years down the road, Rwanda has achieved a lot. The government has, in such short time, produced unbelievable results, and united all Rwandans.There is no discrimination among Rwandans any more.  Also, initiatives like the Gacaca courts, which closed recently, have helped and promoted the idea of unity and reconciliation among Rwandans.The bitterness the genocide left behind is healing. Indeed, the liberation struggle was not in vain.Eric MuhozaNyagatare