Why do you give me what I don’t want?

Iam sick and tired of you people, every time you are around me, you give me what I don’t want, and you think that, that’s what I want.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Iam sick and tired of you people, every time you are around me, you give me what I don’t want, and you think that, that’s what I want.

Yesterday you dressed me in a pink dress, the colour I hate most.

Instead you would have dressed me in my purple overall which I love with all my heart.

You people don’t even ask me, before you do feed me, at times I feel I don’t want milk at all, but you go ahead and give it to me.

When I cry, wanting something you are not giving me, you think that I want to sleep. I wonder where you got the idea, that for me to sleep; you have to first dip me into cold water! You are not fair.

There are some days when I want to watch the TV, but you keep me away from it, thinking that I prefer being in the bedroom. I wonder why you think for me.

For example, yesterday I wanted to go with Tony to the market, but you just called Jane to take me to bed, I wish you knew how I hate sleeping during day time. You always find pleasure in thinking for me, I am afraid, you always get it wrong!
