The nightmare of getting a taxi in Kigali

Editor, After a long day of hard work, the next thing you want to hear is going home. But getting a taxi or a bus in Kigali these days is becoming a nightmare. You have to fight to get one and woe to those who can’t put up a good fight!

Thursday, July 05, 2012
Passengers waiting for taxis at a Kigali bus stop. The New Times / File.

Editor,After a long day of hard work, the next thing you want to hear is going home. But getting a taxi or a bus in Kigali these days is becoming a nightmare. You have to fight to get one and woe to those who can’t put up a good fight!We have worked hard on structuring a comfortable and disciplined culture; many people who visit Rwanda envy our cities and towns, from cleanliness to safety, but of recent, a situation arose that made me and other people that use public transport feel disappointed.Queuing for hours waiting for the next minibus makes you curse. We are requesting the concerned authorities to find a way of fixing this problem. It doesn’t affect only those without cars but paint a bad picture for the country in general.John Bosco KaremeraKimironko