Who is there?

In Remera, a suburb of Kigali city, there is a boy called Rubyogo. He is twelve years old. He lives in a big house with daddy, mommy and his two sisters.

Monday, May 12, 2008

In Remera, a suburb of Kigali city, there is a boy called Rubyogo. He is twelve years old. He lives in a big house with daddy, mommy and his two sisters.

One time after the whole family had eaten supper, it was bed time because every one had to go to school early in the morning. At Rubyogos’ school the next day is sports day and he is looking forward to it.

So after saying goodnight to every one, Rubyogo prayed and entered his bed. He tried to sleep but there was no sleep in his eyes. Instead he started to thing about the sports he was going to do the next day.

Now the whole house was very silent he could even hear his heart beat. He thought "well everyone is asleep and I am the only one who is awake again."

He thought he heard someone walking in the house, he listened but it was so quiet. He closed his eyes to sleep, then Tick Tock, Tick, Tock! Rubyogo jumped out of his bed and was scared.

He wondered who that could be. "A thief has entered the house! Oh my goodness! What am I going to do?" Rubyogo wondered. He thought he could run to daddy and mommy’s bedroom after all it was safer that’s why his sisters slept next to their bedroom.

When he was ready to start running he realized that the footsteps were moving towards his bedroom. He thought of all those Kung Fu moves in the movies, and said "If I run to daddy’s and mommy’s room they will think I am a coward yet I am a big boy now. Let me wait and when the thief reaches near and opens the door, I will beat the living day lights out of him!"

When the footsteps stopped outside his door, Rubyogo saw the door knob turning and the thief opened the door slowly. Now,

This was his chance to beat the living day lights out of him.

Rubyogo jumped and was shouting "Ha! Eehh! Aaah!" He pounced on the thief without even looking at him.

A few seconds later the big man carried him and said slowly, "Rubyogo, Rubyogo. Calm down it’s me daddy." Rubyogo was like, "Oh Oh! I just hit you daddy I thought you were a thief."

Rubyogo’s dad said it was ok, he was only making sure the doors were locked and wanted to tell him goodnight. He told him he didn’t have to worry about any thieves because daddy and mommy are there and God will protect you all the time.
