Give your child room to develop the mind

Childhood is a critical stage, when a person’s most invaluable faculties develop, for example the brain, which later transforms into a person’s intellect.

Monday, May 12, 2008

hildhood is a critical stage, when a person’s most invaluable faculties develop, for example the brain, which later transforms into a person’s intellect.

Therefore care takers and parents need to raise their children, in environments that motivate them to develop.

Children are born with a drive to learn, this comes from a natural curiosity that they are born with. That’s why you find children touching this and that.

Parents need to create an atmosphere for the children to explore their drives, this might be a little expensive because it is associated with spoiling of a few house hold utensils, but it is worthwhile.

In some families, children are constrained, from this exploration, however this is fatal because, a child that misses this stage, becomes stale and dormant, which conditions goes on up to maturity, if not checked.

Giving your child autonomy, and an environment of satisfying its curiosity, develops into creativity, and thinking fast, when it grows up. This is advantageous because it harnesses intellectual development, ability to be fast at finding solutions to problems, and having a good memory.

Children also need to be challenged in certain ways, for instance, putting its doll where it sees it but not exactly in its reach, it will struggle to reach it through devising various means, this fight psychologically sharpens its intellect.
