Rwanda to become centre for upcode technology in Africa

Rwanda could become the centre for upcode-a highly developed program which enables a mobile phone to act as an optical reader to scan physical objects and retrieve data.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Mobile phone subscribers trying upcode media during the launch at Hotel des Mille Collines.( Photo/ G.Barya)

Rwanda could become the centre for upcode-a highly developed program which enables a mobile phone to act as an optical reader to scan physical objects and retrieve data.

This was revealed by Franco Kanimba, chief executive officer of upcode media, a subsidiary of upcode Finland which is responsible for providing this service.

"Rwanda will be the first country to employ this technology in Africa. Not even South Africa has used it before," Kanimba said during an interview last week.

He added: "we want to make sure that it is fully used in Rwanda, and then we shall take it to other African countries,"

This comes a week after Rwanda Information Technology Authority (RITA) and Upcode Company media launched the technology in the country.

Kanimba said that the new digital technology is better than the barcode reader used in most countries because it is cheap, efficient, real time and ensures quality control.

"The code can be installed in any mobile phone. We have signed an agreement with Nokia, so that all Nokia mobile phones to be manufactured this year will have the software installed," he said.

This means that however small the code may be, it can be read by any ordinary mobile phone gadget.

UpCode includes an optical reader that uses mobile devices to add any electronic information or system to printed products and to electronic information on screens.

The application also makes it possible to integrate all businesses and all forms of e-commerce, with print and screen media.

The cost efficient solution covers a wide range of applications ranging from logistics, asset management, anti-counterfeit, money transactions and ID-card security.

It can also be used in e-learning, e-government, tourism, cross media solutions and entertainment.

This comes at a time Rwanda is looking at positioning itself as an ICT hub in the region and aiming at becoming an information-rich, knowledge based society and economy.
