Lesson from Pastor Leon Rucibigango

Editor, I pray to God every day to protect the family of Pastor Leon Rucibigango. The Pastor is a God-fearing man, who tries every time to preach about morals in our society.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Editor,I pray to God every day to protect the family of Pastor Leon Rucibigango. The Pastor is a God-fearing man, who tries every time to preach about morals in our society.

He behaves like some of his fellow religious people who opt to leave their well paying jobs to work for the good of others. He has such a big heart. The pastor’s home is ever open, not only to the needy but to those from well-to-do families as well.A big legacy that should be emulated by everyone. I am really humbled at what God can do when you fully commit your life to serve Him. We are so proud of you Pastor Rucibigango. Keep the flame burning.Milly Wasige