How women can prevent By Agnes Bateta.

Diabetes happens to be of two types which are type on which is insulin dependant and affects women of 35 years and below, and type two which is non-insulin dependant and affects people of 35years and above. It is mainly caused when there is accumulation of blood sugars in the body.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Diabetes happens to be of two types which are type on which is insulin dependant and affects women of 35 years and below, and type two which is non-insulin dependant and affects people of 35years and above. It is mainly caused when there is accumulation of blood sugars in the body.If a person really wants to know how to prevent diabetes and its complications, one needs to first know the causes of the disease. There are two things that are the most important to do to avoid diabetes. These things will not only help prevent diabetes, but they can help improve health in general. The two things that must be done is changing your diet and getting regular exercise. Sounds simple, but doing these things will greatly increase your chances at avoiding diabetes.According to Doctor Fundi Gatare Fredrick, of Kibagabaga hospital, keeping a proper diet is the best ay to prevent diabetes especially Type Two diabetes.  Avoid eating things that may contain a lot of sugars such as white bread, chocolates, and sweets. "The best diet one can follow to avoid catching diabetes is when one eats fruits and vegetables which have fiber and nothing artificial added to them. Fruits may include pineapples, mangoes, oranges, lemon and apples among others”, says Dr Fundi. Doctors also recommend eating beans since they are rich in fiber and can help prevent high blood sugar spikes. If women take watch over the foods they eat, diabetes can be prevented at an early age and advanced ages. Throw in plenty of exercise as well. themselves from getting diabetes