Myths about Pregnancy

There are so many myths about pregnancy that are taken as gospel truth but most of them are actually nothing close to the truth. Below are a few of the myths that many people believe to be true;

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

There are so many myths about pregnancy that are taken as gospel truth but most of them are actually nothing close to the truth. Below are a few of the myths that many people believe to be true;Cocoa butter prevents stretch marks; Cocoa butter instead makes women’s skin more sensitive, and some women have allergic reactions to it.  You shouldn’t eat smoked salmon while pregnant; Salmon is good for mothers-to-be; it’s high in omega-3 fatty acids, which studies show have a variety of benefits for pregnant women and their fetuses, and salmon is a fresh water fish, so the likelihood of mercury poisoning is low.You shouldn’t have sex/lift your hands over your head/touch your toes while pregnant; This is false unless you have a specific medical condition and your doctor warns you against it.You shouldn’t take hot baths while pregnant; This is actually true. You should avoid saunas, Jacuzzis or anything that raises your body temperature over 102 degrees. You shouldn’t drink coffee while pregnant; This is false because a cup of coffee a day won’t hurt the baby.Pregnant women should sleep on their left side; That’s going to be hard on the left hip so it’s false. Just get whatever sleep you can. The baby’s position in the womb can tell you its sex; Also, the line on the skin stretching below the navel is no clue to whether your baby’s a boy or girl. You just can’t tell from outside the womb.Walking makes labor go faster; It might make you feel better but there’s no activity that’s going to bring on labor, sorry. Pregnant women should eat for two; Carrying a baby actually only requires 300 extra calories a day. So technically you should be eating for about one and a fifth. If you do eat for two, you’ll end up with a bigger baby.And, finally, going outside when you’re pregnant during an eclipse will not give your baby a cleft palate. But you probably already knew that.There are so many myths but it’s always best to believe what the doctors say instead of listening to the pathetic fallacies.