Don’t judge your man based on other men’s follies

With the soaps that are all over the place, some women can’t resist TV anymore. And with soaps, even the best and most humble man, still cheats on and hurts his partner on numerous occasions before they finally live happily ever after.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Patrick Buchana

With the soaps that are all over the place, some women can’t resist TV anymore. And with soaps, even the best and most humble man, still cheats on and hurts his partner on numerous occasions before they finally live happily ever after.As a result of this, in most women’s minds, the statement will be, "of course he is the same as the rest”Well, come back to real life and leave the movie life to the actors and actresses because that is not reality. And besides this is Africa; no woman in her right mind gets hurt 100 times and still goes back to the same guy.When a woman gets involved in cliquey talks with their girlfriends, where they disclose their secrets, they often let it slip about something that their man has done.The next thing the man knows, instead of getting in trouble for the ONE thing that he has done, the poor fellow now is being suspected of committing a crime that one other girl’s man has committed.Women should stop assuming things and comparing men. Sure, men do things that are quite similar but not all men ride in the same boat. So best option is, you either study your man and stop comparing him or go get yourself Mr. Perfect. Trust me, you won’t find the perfect man.