How bad do you want that ring?

Although every man is a unique individual, they still have the same concerns about women – especially when they want to settle down. Before anything else, you need to pinpoint all the things he is curious about and the stuff he frowns upon.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Although every man is a unique individual, they still have the same concerns about women – especially when they want to settle down. Before anything else, you need to pinpoint all the things he is curious about and the stuff he frowns upon.You have to understand every passion and penchant and what have you. Only then can you come up with the perfect technique of drawing him to you. He needs to see that you are the one person who understands him – no matter how silly some of the things he is passionate about might be.Men love gentle and understanding women – women without a selfish bone in their body. So be perceptive and considerate because kindness is definitely an attribute. Sure, things will irritate you from time to time but screaming madly at the waiter who brought a meal long overdue or the sales girl who took forever to return your change might just give him the opposite opinion of you. In other words, try to be as courteous as you possibly can.You don’t have to set yourself out to be the next Tyra Banks but you also need to understand that men love women who care about their appearance. Do not over do it like wearing makeup enough to make you look like some gothic creature. Simply try to look your best and focus most on that inner beauty because it is way more important than shallow attractiveness.If there is one thing I know about guys it is that they love a challenge. They can’t help but go for a girl who seems unique to them or for lack of better words, not that easy to get! No guy wants to chew over a prospective ‘wifey’ while still dating. Bear in mind that nothing frightens a guy more than a women obsessed with marriage. Shoving wedding magazines in his face and nagging him with constant reminders of how all your girls are married is not the greatest idea.  Give him time to breathe and also figure out if you are what he really wants. I know it seems unfair but this will also help you in the long run because marriage is a life long commitment. This isn’t something you do on a whim or because your girls insist that the clock is ticking! Try not to talk about marriage or the future for that matter. Be the girl who lives for the moment. This will help raise his curiosity and the thought of what is going on your mind will keep him intrigued.  Steer clear of anything like after you get married and have a child you’ll quit your job and become a stay at home mom. He’ll think you’re looking for a meal ticket - someone to finance the lifestyle to which you believe you should become accustomed.One thing that will certainly get you in his good books is the way you get along with his family and friends. Complaining about his annoying sister or over-protective mum is a no go area. So he likes having friends over for beers while they watch a game – big deal. While you are still trying to get him over that broom (read married) you have no choice but to adjust. Make no mistake however, the second you have that ring firmly around your finger, make your demands!!! Okay – try to stay the woman he fell in love with but also, as his wife (that’s if you’ve made it there) you are entitled to a few complaints here and there regarding any behaviour that stinks of bachelorhood!