Police in Kanombe sector, Kicukiro district are holding a 42 year old man for allegedly exhuming the remains of a 1994 Genocide victim and re burying them in another piece of land without the consent of authorities.
Police in Kanombe sector, Kicukiro district are holding a 42 year old man for allegedly exhuming the remains of a 1994 Genocide victim and re burying them in another piece of land without the consent of authorities.
Pascal Bizimana exhumed the remains of the late Festi Kivingiri, of Sangano in Masaka sector, Kicukiro district and transferred them to Kagese, a nearby Village.
Bizimana claims that the corpse was buried in his piece of land and this was giving him nightmares and decided to transfer it to another land that he owns.
The remains in question are now being kept at the police but the the skull is missing and no one knows its whereabouts.
"I found the body the way it is. I only wanted to have a clear environment with no hidden intentions," said Bizimana in his statement at the police.
Kivingiri was reportedly killed during the Genocide but his relatives refused to accord him a descent burial on grounds that he had family wrangles and he died under unclear circumstances.
"We knew about the problem but the family members had issues to solve and our efforts to give him a descent burial were always let down," the head of Sangano, Anastazia Nyirandagijimana, told the police.