Wishing Rwandans all the best on the 18th Liberation anniversary

Editor, I wish to congratulate all Rwandans on reaching this important milestone in our history and, indeed, surviving the many pitfalls along the way. Yet it is evident that the country has transformed so much over the last 18 years – since the earlier 32 years were largely marred by injustices and mismanagement.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Editor,I wish to congratulate all Rwandans on reaching this important milestone in our history and, indeed, surviving the many pitfalls along the way. Yet it is evident that the country has transformed so much over the last 18 years – since the earlier 32 years were largely marred by injustices and mismanagement.The worst and most damaging wounds are always the self-inflicted ones. May the Almighty God propel Africans (and their resources) away from the idle politicking towards serious production and development. Though Rwandans suffered the worst genocide in as many years, today the people of Rwanda are determined to transform their country.May the Almighty God help us to transform the Sahara Desert into the global breadbasket.Margaret S. Maringa-----------------------------------------------------Editor,Allow me to add my voice and say congratulations to Rwandans on their 50th birthday. I also wish to send best wishes on the occasion of the 18th Liberation anniversary. I salute President Paul Kagame and the people of Rwanda for transforming their country. The President has truly led from the front. How I wish a copy and paste would be applicable to the whole African continent, from Tripoli to Cape Town, and from Dakar to Mogadishu. Africa’s life is largely about unfulfilled dreams but Rwanda is truly closing in on its dream. God bless Rwanda, its leaders and people. Happy 50th Birthday, Rwanda.John N