Are you an independent or foolish decision-maker?

At one point in life, every teenager feels the need to become independent. They have a high zeal to live life based on their decisions and choices without interference from authority. 

Tuesday, July 03, 2012
A young musician. Net photo.

At one point in life, every teenager feels the need to become independent. They have a high zeal to live life based on their decisions and choices without interference from authority.  They make decisions on what to wear, eat, say, drink and with whom. This is what certainly makes them happy. However, if, one goes an extra mile, in search for independence even at a tender age, then things might not go so well along the way. A teenager needs to listen and heed to their parents or guardian’s advice.Parents and guardians have been through teenagehood—they most likely understand what is right for their own children. So just lend them an ear and as children, obey and who knows, at some point in time, you will have reason to be grateful.Well, being independent is so cool but our parents always want the best for us. There is this young boy James, who after senior three told his parents that he was done with his secondary school education. He wanted to become a musician; even though this was not a bad idea as it was his passion, it was way too early for him to venture out on his own. His parents had plans to push him through his university education first.  Of course, he wanted financial support from his parents, who of course, denied him his wishes. James was so angry and without a second thought, he walked out of home and joined his peers who had also abandoned school for the same cause. These boys formed a music group, which did not work out, and after two years of confusion, James decided to return home reformed and told his parents that he was ready to go back to school. His younger siblings were already ahead of him in class. What would it have cost James to obey his parents and first study before joining a profession of his choice? It is therefore very important for teenagers to take their parent’s advice and remember that their parents always wish them the best in life.