Public reacts to new birth control legislation

To convince a spouse to carry out birth control method shall be no more, as any person who, on grounds of marriage, commits violence or harassment against his/her spouse because of the spouse’s decision to practice family planning shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of at least two months but less than six months.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

To convince a spouse to carry out birth control method shall be no more, as any person who, on grounds of marriage, commits violence or harassment against his/her spouse because of the spouse’s decision to practice family planning shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of at least two months but less than six months.This is according to the provisions under Article 239 for denial of freedom to practice family planning in the new penal code.According to Agatha Mutamba, a Midwife at Rwanda Military Hospital, the enforcement of a law punishing people who harass a spouse for practicing family planning, is a good step forward."Many women especially in villages are harassed by their husbands for carrying out family planning, but once they get to know the repercussions that include imprisonment, then they will comply and accept family planning. However, this isn’t enough, people need to know why they ought to carry out family planning,” she said.Mutamba added that the law is a good place to start, but there was also need to intensify family planning campaigns so people can be educated on the reasons why they need to space and have few children they can ably take care of.