Eastern Province approves Rwf66bn budget

Eastern Province has earmarked Rwf 66 billion for the 2012/13 budget.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Eastern Province has earmarked Rwf 66 billion for the 2012/13 budget. According to Jean Marie Makombe, the Executive Secretary of the Province, a big part of the budget focused on improving, renewing and rehabilitating existing infrastructure and on new infrastructure projects. At least 37% will be for infrastructure development.Makombe noted that the funding for infrastructure projects would help sustain and increase long-term efficiency, of development projects, and that the province was committed to funding large-scale infrastructure projects in support of sustaining the economic growth, and enhancing the quality lives."We have identified categories...water and electricity are some of the main concerns. We currently lie at 58.7% in water accessibility, we want it pushed to 72%,” he said.Makombe also disclosed that each district was tasked to come up with a model village, adding that hillside irrigation would also be given priority.Boniface Ntirenganya, the Director of Planning and Budget in the Province, reiterated the importance of infrastructure development."We lag behind when it comes to water accessibility in the country...it thus explains our commitment. Our Province has potential, enough to develop the tourism industry in the country. Hotels and good net-work of roads to attract tourists will be the focus,” he said.Local residents who spoke to The New Times, welcomed prioritising infrastructure development, but said that implementation of such projects should be done in a manner that benefits the population."The districts of Nyagatare, Gatsibo, Kayonza and Kirehe need water. People still walk many kilometres in search of water, so the big budget was timely,” said Anatoly Gasangwa, a resident of Gatsibo district.