How to manage you mid term salaries

Years have gone when the system was that you have to be paid at the end of the month and then you shift all your budget plans at the end of the month. You may also be earning as per work load- you are paid for the work you do.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Years have gone when the system was that you have to be paid at the end of the month and then you shift all your budget plans at the end of the month. You may also be earning as per work load- you are paid for the work you do.This time as the economy grows, there are so many ways of earning and moreover, many employers pay before the month ends to motivate their employees. But how flexible are you to handle changing payment period.And moreover, most bills are always monthly say water, electricity bills, phone bills, your rent and others. So such a thing brings about a situation where you overspend and may not be left with enough money at the end of month.Let us now look at ways you can avoid these situations and have enough to spend at the need of the month. First ensure that you have a budget at hand, know what you are supposed to spend that month, if something wasn’t on your priority budget, do not put in your cash immediately however much  urgent it maybe.Secondly, try to use checks to clear bills that are always at the end of the month. You may give post dated checks to all bills that are paid at the end of the month, this with help you to know how much you are left with to know what you need to spend for your luxury. Alternatively, you may have a different account that handles all your monthly bills, and discuss with your banker to help you restrict it, in terms of withdraws, this will help you to minimize the times you visit your bank to withdraw. Again avoid paying cash in whatever you purchase as this may require you to go with extra cash which maybe wasted in the long run.If you are this person who has financial discipline, you may always leave your salary on your account until the end of the month, where you can be able to pay all your bills according to your budget. You may also look at some small investments that can hold your money and have enough security- you are sure of getting your bucks back.But all this will be possible considering your financial discipline and your plans, remember you don’t need to fix your budget plan according to what people think you need to do with your money but rather what you think is priority to you.