Saving is the magic indeed!

Editor, I read, in The New Times of June 30, a story titled, “Embrace savings culture – First Lady”, about Mrs Jeanette Kagame’s appeal to the nation on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Copedu, a local microfinance institution, last Friday.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Editor,I read, in The New Times of June 30, a story titled, "Embrace savings culture – First Lady”, about Mrs Jeanette Kagame’s appeal to the nation on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Copedu, a local microfinance institution, last Friday. Indeed, Rwandans should join credit and savings cooperatives in large numbers and look to saving more and more. That will help many break poverty cycle and develop themselves economically. I also agree with the First Lady on the need to defeat what I would call ‘credit phobia’ among many people. A loan can be a gateway into prosperity as long as you have used it diligently. Also, we need to wisely prioritise our needs. I lived in Europe for ten years but people there try as much as they can not to live beyond their means.Let’s not acquire loans to buy a car! Let’s get loans for productive schemes. There is need for attitude change. Andrew KalibataKigali