ICTR refers last case to Rwanda

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has transferred to Rwanda the case file of Phénéas Munyarugarama; the eighth and last case file in the hands of the Tribunal.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) has transferred to Rwanda the case file of Phénéas Munyarugarama; the eighth and last case file in the hands of the Tribunal.Munyarugarama, held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the ex-FAR and was the highest ranking military officer at Gako military camp, between early 1993 and May 14,1994.His transfer marks the last of all the eight cases that the Tribunal had to ensure they would be tried by another jurisdiction as it closes shop.Munyarugarama was charged with genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide, as well as with murder, extermination, rape and persecution as crimes against humanity.It is alleged that Munyarugarama was directly involved in the planning and execution of the systematic attacks directed against the Tutsi civilian population at various sites, including Kanzenze communal office, Nyamata Sector, Ntarama Catholic Church, Cyugaro Primary School and the Ntarama swamps during the time of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.The ICTR’s first case to be sent to Rwanda was that of Jean Uwinkindi. It was followed by those of Bernard Munyagishari, Fulgence Kayishema, Charles Sikuwabo, Ladislas Ntaganzwa, Ryandikayo, and Aloys Ndimbati.