PAFOR finance director arrested over financial scam

RULINDO - The Director of Administration and Finance (DAF) at the Forest Conservation Project (PAFOR) in Rulindo District has been arrested for alleged mismanaging of public funds, Sunday Times has learnt. The DAF, Augustin Habimana who has also been doubling as chairman of the tender committee in PAFOR, was arrested a fortnight ago, police sources have indicated. Habimana was arrested together with Gerald Nikuze in charge of environment protection and Céléstin Kabera, a store keeper.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Deputy Prosecutor General Alphonse Hitiyaremye.

RULINDO - The Director of Administration and Finance (DAF) at the Forest Conservation Project (PAFOR) in Rulindo District has been arrested for alleged mismanaging of public funds, Sunday Times has learnt. The DAF, Augustin Habimana who has also been doubling as chairman of the tender committee in PAFOR, was arrested a fortnight ago, police sources have indicated. Habimana was arrested together with Gerald Nikuze in charge of environment protection and Céléstin Kabera, a store keeper.

"Yes, the three have been arrested after investigations revealed they were involved in embezzling and misuse of public funds,” Deputy Prosecutor General, Alphonse Hitiyaremye confirmed on Tuesday.

PAFOR operates under the Ministry of Agriculture and is based in Rulindo district in the Northern Province. In an interview at his Kimihurura office, Hitiyaremye said the suspects would appear in court soon.

In January this year, the Auditor General, Evelyn Kamagaju presented the 2006 report to the joint Chambers of Parliament which indicated that a colossal sum amounting to Frw5.3b had not been accounted for.

In PAFOR, about Frw77 million was reportedly embezzled by the organization’s accountant.

The Auditor general’s report also exposed an extraordinary case where by the accountant at the Students’ Financing Agency for Rwanda (SFAR) stole money worth Frw96 million and deposited Frw20 million of it on the account of the Director General, Emmanuel Muvunyi.

Police sources say SFAR director is reportedly being investigated to ascertain under what circumstances the said money ended on his account. Muvunyi could not be reached for a comment as his phone was off.

When contacted on Thursday, the Director of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Chief Superintendent Costa Habyara, confirmed the development.

"The file of the SFAR Director was forwarded to the Office of the Prosecutor General. Contact their office for more details,” Habyara said on phone. However, Prosecution spokesperson, Jean-Bosco Mutangana said was unaware of the development.

Parliament has also set up commission of inquiry to probe allegations of gross mismanagement of public funds. Hitiyaremye said investigations into the mismanagement of public funds were going on and had begun with the Ministry of Education.

"We have also ordered the arrest of Rita Nyirahabimana who was acting as coordinator in Atraco for allegedly embezzling funds,” the prosecutor added.

Earlier, investigations had discovered that over Frw20 million was embezzled by officials in Atraco, a commuter taxi association.

The diverted funds had been allocated to the association by the National Aids Control Commission (CNLS) to train members on HIV Aids awareness.
