Protect your legs from the biting cold and wear your stockings in style

It is that time of the year when you do not feel like waking up in the morning. Not because you do not love your job or you are a lazy bum, no – the reason being it is very cold.

Friday, June 29, 2012

It is that time of the year when you do not feel like waking up in the morning. Not because you do not love your job or you are a lazy bum, no – the reason being it is very cold.One of the things that women have decided to deal with this kind of harsh weather is to beat it by wearing stockings. Everywhere you go or pass, you cannot fail to notice a woman or two in stockings of different colours and designs.In fact, ladies have decided that this cold weather is not going to stop them from dressing fashionably. As it was the norm before, people preferred hiding legs in warm trousers or jeans to protect their legs from cold waves. These days the trend has changed, therefore we are seeing a lot of stockings. Ladies have embraced wearing their stockings now than ever before. The new stockings have been seen in different colors, styles and also thickness. From opaque to thick, stockings that were once shunned by ladies and were only popular among little girls are now a must have accessory for every fashionable lady.These essential fashion accessories not only protect you from cold wind, but also enhance the entire look. Though the length of the stockings can vary from knee-length to the one which cover the entire leg, it’s the detailing like brightness and innovative textures that are placing them high on the demand graph. Leading the demand graph are the semi-transparent stockings which are preferred by most women, but of course all these depend with one’s taste.When it comes to color, black is stealing the show; other colors which are also making it big in the market are beige, purple and silver. Though wearing stockings became a trend some time back; and some of us grew up wearing them when I was a young lass back in the eighties, the trend has made a full circle and is back in the fashion wardrobes in full swing.When you want to look good in your stockings, the trick lies with matching it up with the right outfit, so that they look stylish and up dated. If the stockings are not worn well, they make a person look drab and out dated.If you want to look smart and stylish, wear a nice dress or a cute skirt and buttoned down shirt that make a perfect ensemble. Shorts should not be worn with stockings as opposed to what I have seen on the streets of late. Designers have come up with different tastes of the stockings that women are spoilt for choice. While a number of women prefer one colour and plain stockings; other women prefer to have patterned or flowered stockings that adds a little oomph to the style.Ladies do not like throwing away old things, but as a fashion warning; no lady should be caught red-handed wearing torn stockings- this simply cheapens your entire look.Grab a pair or two of stockings and not only will they protect your beautiful legs from the biting cold, but you will also be stylish.