Evicted Jesica on upgraded Junia

She’s back, bursting with enthusiasm and looking better than ever. And for those of us who have been chomping at the bit to find out whether Namibia’s Jesica and Liberia’s Luke all but made a blue movie on BBA, today is the day that you realise that mum is utterly, infuriatingly and irrevocably the word.

Friday, June 29, 2012
Lovebirds. Namibiau2019s Jesica (L) and Liberiau2019s Luke (R).

She’s back, bursting with enthusiasm and looking better than ever.And for those of us who have been chomping at the bit to find out whether Namibia’s Jesica and Liberia’s Luke all but made a blue movie on BBA, today is the day that you realise that mum is utterly, infuriatingly and irrevocably the word.Sagely sidestepping the scandal, Jesica joins us on the plush green couch at Multichoice Namibia and spells it out in no uncertain terms: "That is something I want to keep private. He’s at home in Liberia, I’m at home in Namibia, we started in the house and we are definitely going to proceed from that starting place. You never know what will happen a few months from now, but we are determined to make it work.”Mature and mysterious, Jesica much prefers to tackle the question of whether she is jealous of Junia; given that the other J was upgraded while she was ousted."To be honest when our ball fell I knew that we were leaving, but I thought we would be leaving together,” says Jesica."She has my support all the way. Sharing winnings is something we have discussed, but it doesn’t really matter. Junia is an open book and she is the same in the house as she is in real life and I’m behind her 100%.”As for why she thinks Junia was upgraded over her, Jesica maintains that it is all part of the BBA game and that perhaps the relationship between Junia and Keagan seemed to have more entertainment value than her long lost love with Luke.For now the local lady is back and beaming at the fact, however, when shown what comes up when one Google’s "Jesica BBA Stargame” and the fact that she will forever be associated with her sex life her lovely smile seems to falter…though only for a second."You can’t really tell people what to think about you. Everyone has their views and I am fine with what’s on the internet though I am not admitting to anything,” she says diplomatically."What I don’t like is when people judge my household. I come from a good household,” she says matter-of-factly."I went in as individual and anything I may or may not have done is a reflection of me not my household or Namibian girls in general. You can’t look at something with such a narrow perspective.”As for what she has been doing since she left the house, she sums it up in three words "interviews, interviews, interviews”.However, despite her new found fame, she is not unaware that she has her human resource management exams next month and will remain open to opportunities while getting back to her books."Generally people have been showing me so much love and I was so humbled to hear that my fans at Fresh FM dedicated P-Squared and Rick Ross’ Beautiful Onyinye to me to welcome me back,” says Jesica.Frank and feeling fabulous, fans of the former BBA femme can keep up with her on her Facebook profile and can remain undaunted by the fact that she is officially a local celebrity because the way she sees it she is "as normal as can be and just Jessica". BBA