Rwanda, DRC can still rise above rumours and make peace

Yesterday’s high level meeting in the capital of North Kivu, Goma, between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo is a positive step in ensuring the normalization of ties between the two nations.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Yesterday’s high level meeting in the capital of North Kivu, Goma, between Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo is a positive step in ensuring the normalization of ties between the two nations.The Rwandan delegation, which included the Minister of Defence, Gen. James Kabarebe, the Chief of Defence Staff, Lt. Gen Charles Kayonga, is the second such meeting with Rwandan and Congolese government officials, coming on the heels of one ten days ago between the foreign ministers in Kinshasa.The continued talks between Rwanda and the DRC are extremely necessary especially at this time, when many in the international community, attempt to throw a wedge between the two countries.The recently leaked UN Group of Experts Report, which rehashes old rumours and innuendo, is an example of the kind of rhetoric that is making the rounds in the international arena.The citizens of both countries need the two countries to normalize their ties. A situation where Rwandans living and working in the DRC are beaten, tortured and burned simply because of their nationality is untenable and in no one’s best interests. Rwanda has proved its intention to move forward in this diplomatic process, despite all the challenges. DRC must likewise show that it is a good regional partner.Peaceful coexistence can be restored provided both governments are genuinely committed to existing bilateral mechanisms established to resolve any grievances against each other.