The horrific idea of dating a mummy’s boy!

I once dated a guy and throughout the relationship I always found myself comparing everything he did to what my father does or would have done if he were in the same situation.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

I once dated a guy and throughout the relationship I always found myself comparing everything he did to what my father does or would have done if he were in the same situation. And no doubt my father is the perfect definition of what a man should be and I, the ultimate daddy’s girl.Now, my ex-boyfriend did everything differently and much as it might hurt to admit but it made him less of a man that I thought he should have been until recently when I found myself single because I let another one walk because he was just way too different from my father.   So, it finally downed on me that people are different and that I shall not find a man exactly like my father. I am pretty positive that there are plenty of girls like me out there.Girls that have been "daddy’s girl” their entire lives. As I grow older I realise that there are some things that have to be faced and handled maturely.And as woman, I always carry this God given sense of naivety  that I can change that guy and at least make him be half the man my father is. But alas! Men are who they are. I have come to terms with it and my prayer is every female out there that has the same problem should soldier it out, these guys are definitely not as good as our fathers but they are not so bad since they have mothers.Speaking of mothers, ladies, if you are dating a "mummy’s boy” please think again. A daddy’s girl might be a trick but manageable to deal with but a mummy’s boy is a thorny situation.I have had friends, who have been unfortunate enough to date some of them, but the competition between girlfriend and mother is unbearable, and yes, you are right, it did not work.It is not an option competing with a woman who gave birth to your man; it is usually a battle you cannot win. I mean she is your mother for heaven’s sake, why should the two ladies even start fighting for your attention. As for running to mummy every time something goes wrong at work or at home, what is the use of the spouse then? It beats my understanding.And as if it’s not enough, "mummy” also comes to set things right in her son’s home, and then they want to claim they are also "Head of the House”. It is utter betrayal when you find out your man is sharing some very intimate things about your relationship with his mother, it puts you in an awkward situation. Like you just came in between a perfect relationship between mother and son, and you are not as good as his mother. Come on, no woman wants to feel like she cannot properly take care of her man but then that is an inevitable feeling if your man just won’t stand up to his mother in some situations. And if he cannot be man enough just get out of there, these mummy’s boys are bad news!!If your boyfriend is weak enough to call in his mother to set things straight for him, please turn him down when he proposes. Because he is not man enough, he might breakdown and cry when things get sour and mummy is not there anymore.However, men who have good relationships with their mothers tend to be more understanding and caring towards their wives, but not "mummy’s boys”