Where are the girls at?

So the other day, I’m at my local shop buying cash power and as I’m waiting (as the network was slow) I noticed these 2 guys seated on the same stool with one’s arm firmly strapped the others. Am I the only one who finds this odd?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So the other day, I’m at my local shop buying cash power and as I’m waiting (as the network was slow) I noticed these 2 guys seated on the same stool with one’s arm firmly strapped the others. Am I the only one who finds this odd? Even weirder was that the one who had his arm around the other’s waist kept staring at me. I assumed he thought I was a man and probably wanted me to join the party. I was shocked further when after getting my receipt; he started calling out to me Miss Miss.Irritated beyond justification, I scampered off as fast as my chicken legs could carry me. Now, Rwandans are very beautiful people and I love them but I have to say, straight men holding each other’s waists isn’t a very beautiful sight. The first time I came to this country I was literally left open-mouthed – and that was in the worst way ever. Over the years I thought I’d get used to it but I don’t think that’s going to happen.A cousin of mine told me that I’d better accept it as culture but I refuse to believe that any culture would permit the ludicrousness of grown up men holding each other’s waists. She went ahead to tell me that I might find myself married to one and I tell you now in this great paper of ours, it will rain donkeys before that happens!Just recently, I was out with my housemate and for the sake of helping the bar keep its props; I will not mention its name. These two guys danced the night away and that would have been okay – in fact that would have been super – if they weren’t tugging at each other’s waists doing a dance that only helped raise curiosity on my part. They really looked like they were having a good time and just as I was about to tick them off in the "not clear” section, they got company – female company! I don’t know how long it was before my bottom jaw was placed firmly back but when I did, I still couldn’t speak.I was so convinced their sexual preference wasn’t in the same bracket with the feminine species, but man was I wrong! Apparently, they liked their women – a little too much actually because they kept trying to kiss all the ones they spoke to. I will never understand what it is with straight men clinging to fellow masculine waists like that or dancing while holding each other but, seriously, it ain’t pretty! With all the small waisted women in Rwanda, why not go hold them? I’m sure they’d rather you did that than go on holding each other and risk everyone being labeled ‘queer’.