Lies can never last forever

Editor, I wish to respond to an article titled “in DRC one man equals many lives? Wrong, math, wrong morals” by Joseph Rwagatare (The New Times, June 26).

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Editor,I wish to respond to an article titled "in DRC one man equals many lives? Wrong, math, wrong morals” by Joseph Rwagatare (The New Times, June 26).It is true that lying is a sin for which we will be punished. Indeed, if we do a lot of it we will even burn in hell for ever. Joseph’s piece of advice is wonderful. Lots of lies about Rwanda’s alleged support of rebel munity in DRC have spread like bush fire, but without evidence. Hopefully, the concerned actors in the DRC war will learn something from this article.Edward Editor,As usual, a well-written opinion from Joseph Rwagatare. He might well have added that as the Human Rights Watch’s push for manhunt of Bosco Ntaganda, for the crime of "recruiting children”, is gathering pace, the same "human rights” brigade’s close associates (ICC) at the Hague were declaring FDLR chiefs Sylvestre Mudacumura and Callixte Mbarushimana innocent of the crimes – murder, pillage, etc – they have inflicted on the people of DRC.I have never understood the irony of clearing Mbarushimana for far worse crimes while at the same time pursue Ntaganda!