Feeling constipated? Watch what you eat

When you suffer from constipation, it is important to eat foods that have the potential to ease your symptoms. The nicest part of all of this is that foods that are good for constipation are also foods that are really good for your overall health. Here is what you need to know about eating for constipation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

When you suffer from constipation, it is important to eat foods that have the potential to ease your symptoms. The nicest part of all of this is that foods that are good for constipation are also foods that are really good for your overall health. Here is what you need to know about eating for constipation.Increase Your Fiber IntakeThe most important aspect of eating to ease constipation is to slowly increase your intake of dietary fiber. Fiber is the part of plant material that we cannot digest. Fiber is helpful for constipation because it serves to both add bulk and softness to the stool. Focus on eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains. For the treatment of constipation, it is recommended that you increase your fiber intake to 20 to 25 grams per day.Fruits for ConstipationMany fruits are an excellent source of dietary fiber, along with a whole host of other nutritional benefits. Although there is no hard science in regard to this, people with constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-C) report that eating fruits that have been cooked, stewed or dried is less irritating to their intestinal system. Here are some good choices: Apricots, Figs, Papaya ,Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, PrunesVegetables and Legumes for ConstipationVegetables are also a wonderful source of many important nutrients in addition to providing a healthy dose of dietary fiber. As is the case with fruits, you may find that your body responds in a more comfortable way to cooked rather than raw vegetables. Beans: Canella, garbanzo, kidney, navy and pinto. Greens: Chard, kale and spinach. Vegetables: Artichoke hearts, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, green beans, peas and squash.Whole Grains and ConstipationBuyer beware! Many products are advertised as being "multi-grained”, but are actually poor sources of whole grains. The only way to know for sure is to carefully read the ingredient list. In order to be a good source of whole grains, the very first word in the list should be the word "whole.”Another caution should be applied to whole wheat products that contain bran. For some people, bran is irritating to the digestive system. You should carefully assess your body’s ability to tolerate bran before using it as a source of dietary fiber.Here are some examples of whole grains that may help to ease constipation: High fiber breakfast cereals (look for at least 8 grams of fiber per serving). Whole grain breads, brown rice, barley, milletFlaxseed for Constipation Flaxseed are the tiny, golden seeds from the flax plant. There is research to support that incorporating ground flaxseed into your diet can ease constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. Flaxseed also serves as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as of other important vitamins, minerals and phytoestrogens.Ground flaxseed is relatively easy to find in grocery stores, but if you can’t find it, grinding flaxseed is a simple process with the use of a small coffee grinder. Flaxseed has a nice nutty, taste and can be sprinkled on cereal or yogurt, added to baked goods, and mixed into smoothies. Whenever you eat flaxseed, be sure to drink a large glass of water so as to make the most of flaxseed’s stool-softening benefits.