Book Review: Caught in the Act by Gemma Fox

The story is about Carol French, who is lured by the promise of a get-together of old school mates.  In fact, it’s better than just old school friends because it’s the old sixth-form drama group that, twenty years ago, took Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ on tour.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The story is about Carol French, who is lured by the promise of a get-together of old school mates.  In fact, it’s better than just old school friends because it’s the old sixth-form drama group that, twenty years ago, took Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ on tour. A tour was dramatic in more ways than one and Carol has carried a torch for the leading actor ever since. Not that it has stopped her marrying, having kids and getting a divorce – but that memory just wouldn’t go away. Now she is about to be brought face to face with her teenage love, except now he’s nearly forty.Although there are some people who would not want to go back schools maybe because they feel they didn’t live up to the expectations of their former classmate but the book really brings out what happens when old flames meet . Gemma Fox is the pen name of Sue Welfare, the British writer of romantic comedies. She also wrote Hot Pursuit, which was published in 2004, and The Cinderella Moment in 2006.