Guys, don’t let the romance die

Many guys think that because they have a woman cornered, there is no need for any more of the foolish behaviour we women call romance. Some men think all you have to do as a couple is just sit there and vegetate! Well sorry to burst your bubble but women are suckers for romance. So, unless you have another preference other than human women, I suggest you step up!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Many guys think that because they have a woman cornered, there is no need for any more of the foolish behaviour we women call romance. Some men think all you have to do as a couple is just sit there and vegetate! Well sorry to burst your bubble but women are suckers for romance. So, unless you have another preference other than human women, I suggest you step up!Women – well at least most of them – live for romance. It can be in a song, movie, poem or even day to day activity. If you guys think a girl is lying every time she says she wants to watch Titanic even though you are confident she has watched it about 50 times before, you have another think coming!Even if she dresses like a construction worker, is tougher than a soldier or acts like a gangster gone wrong, I can assure you that the girl in her will appreciate flowers or a romantic dinner every once in a while. The need to be absolutely adored and appreciated does not decrease over time– on the contrary, it only goes appreciates. To women, nothing shows this affection more than romance. A woman doesn’t appreciate a man who comes home and just switches the TV on without so much as a peck on the cheek. She also doesn’t appreciate setting the table for a nice dinner for two only for her guy to grab his plate and eat elsewhere.Couples with kids use them as an excuse to live the most boring lives as if they have never heard of the word ‘babysitter’. Whether you are married with kids or just dating, help yourselves to a little romance from time to time. Some guys think romance is cheesy and maybe even a sign of being unmanly but it is so not.Even if romance is not on your to-do calendar or is somewhat boring to you, what do you have to lose? You don’t have to whisk her away on a private jet to some Caribbean island where you have everything at your disposal. Okay – that wouldn’t hurt either but you can keep the romance simple and within your means.Nothing is as romantic as a man who wants to spend quality time with his woman. That’s right – leave the boys from time to time and spoil your woman to a romance filled evening alone or spend a weekend away from the trauma of reality. Relax in your living room with soft jazz music, wine and small snacks or fruits. Talk to her and ask her about her day instead of yelling at her to bring you food! She needs a partner and not a boss or something similar to one. Avoid making promises you are not sure you’ll be able to keep. In fact, sometimes surprises work best – though it is best to find out what her schedule is like first. And if it is a surprise, try and blow her away. It could be a dinner you have never showed interest in cooking or even running her a nice bath with scented candles for her own enjoyment. In life, the simplest things mean the most. If you can’t make her favourite meal, and are strangely allergic to water and, therefore, can’t go anywhere near the bathroom, try slipping small notes in her purse for her to find later. It could be ‘I love you’ or simply just telling her how much you appreciate her. Try to take action now and not postpone things for "someday”