UN tribunal concludes evidence hearings for top Genocide fugitives

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), on Monday, concluded its third and last special evidence hearing in the cases of Genocide financier, Felicien Kabuga, former Minister of Defence, Augustin Bizimana and former Commander of the Presidential Guard, Protais Mpiranyi, who are all still on the run.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Felicien Kabuga.

The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), on Monday, concluded its third and last special evidence hearing in the cases of Genocide financier, Felicien Kabuga, former Minister of Defence, Augustin Bizimana and former Commander of the Presidential Guard, Protais Mpiranyi, who are all still on the run.The court concluded the hearings with the Bizimana case. Bizimana is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide or complicity in genocide, as alternative count, crimes against humanity and war crimes.The special deposition hearings are being conducted to preserve evidence for future use if the fugitives in question are arrested."Bizimana’s special deposition resumed this morning with the hearing of the last remaining witness which was completed today. Consequently, the Bizimana special deposition has come to an end,’’ said the Tribunal’s Spokesperson, Roland Amoussouga, on Monday.During the hearings, both the prosecution and defence produced their witnesses and testimonies are recorded.The three top suspects lead the ICTR list of the most wanted fugitives and once arrested, they will not be transferred to Rwanda like other Tribunal’s wanted fugitives who are still at large, but will be tried by the residual mechanism.The International Tribunals Residual Mechanism is slated to begin on July 1 taking over the work of the current court.