Unaccounted for billions must be recovered

Editor, It is sad to hear that Government ministries and parastatals spent at least Rwf5.9 billion without supporting documents during the financial year 2010/111

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Editor,It is sad to hear that Government ministries and parastatals spent at least Rwf5.9 billion without supporting documents during the financial year 2010/111This is outrageous and unacceptable in our country which is an example with regard to zero tolerance to corruption. The officials who disregard the law and go on a spending money without supporting documents must be held accountable.Members of Parliament must act accordingly. We want to see the missing Rwf5.9 billion recovered. Each year, the Auditor General indicates that public funds continue to be wasted! I have one suggestion to make as a concerned citizen: those members of government institutions (including parliamentarians, ministers/ministries etc) who were expecting pay raise in 2012/2013 budget should not get this increment the public funds stated in all AG reports are recovered.Bosco Kimironko