Congratulations Rwanda on 50 Years of Independence!

Editor, As Rwanda prepares to celebrate, on July 1, fifty years of Independence, please allow me to extend my hearty congratulations and warmest greetings to His Excellency President Paul Kagame, the First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Kigali has seen rapid growth recently. The New Times File.

Editor,As Rwanda prepares to celebrate, on July 1, fifty years of Independence, please allow me to extend my hearty congratulations and warmest greetings to His Excellency President Paul Kagame, the First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame, the Government and each and every citizen of this great nation. A Golden Jubilee is always an important milestone. The first three decades, however, sadly witnessed some of the darkest days in the history of the country, which culminated in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. We fervently pray, that this Chapter in history, will Never Again repeat itself. We thank God for having brought peace and tranquility to this beautiful land over the last 18 years. This has made Rwanda one of the safest, friendliest and most secure countries not just in Africa, but in the world, today.While we bow with deep reverence, in memory of the innocent men, women and children who were brutally massacred during the Genocide , we salute President Kagame, his Government and the resilient people of Rwanda for making the country,  what it is today.Let us continue the good work and always keep the Rwandan flag flying high. Long live Rwanda!Clarence Fernandes