Kids and phones

These days many children are given phones by their parents. These are not for showing off, but to use in case of any emergency.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
A young girl using a phone. Parents can teach children how to use phones for emergencies. Net photo.

These days many children are given phones by their parents. These are not for showing off, but to use in case of any emergency.Phones have a lot of things that children can learn from. They have mind boosting games, spelling and English puzzles that can improve a lot on a child’s school work. Instead of spending the whole day watching TV and playing video games, two hours playing phone games can help you improve in your studies because they make you think faster.However, sometimes phones can be disadvantageous.  When a child is over exposed to the internet, they could be easily addicted to it. For school going children, addiction to the internet leads to poor performance. There are also a lot of bad things on the internet that children should not see.The best time to use phones is when at home during your free time. Usually, phones are not allowed at schools. In cases where they are accepted, use the phone during the lunch break and after the final bell.Avoid using the phone during class time, church or any gatherings including mealtime and when talking to someone.