Why communication is essential

Communication is widely described in many different ways that are all inclined towards the imparting and interchange of thoughts, ideas, emotions, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Natasha N. Muhoza

Communication is widely described in many different ways that are all inclined towards the imparting and interchange of thoughts, ideas, emotions, opinions or information by speech, writing or signs. Importantly also, it is a two-way phenomenon. The main importance of this usually disregarded aspect is that our world is motivated and kept moving majorly by communication. It is the essence of relationships; life is literally rooted in the power of communication.It is essential to building relationships of all capacities. For example, let’s look at the family; what special thing differentiates people in yours and my family from the others? Alternatively, what makes us think of them first when we are in any kind of trouble and need help? Or what in the world would make us hold so close to our hearts the very people we probably fight the most? It’s hard to deny that in such a relationship, certain emotions have been communicated through words, different gestures of love, actions, and shared moments and a lot more that has made us affirm their status in our lives as family. Or, what about in the professional field; without someone communicating to us, our boundaries in terms of duty, authority and regulations, we fail to deliver. On the other hand, if there is no dialogue between, for example, the boss and his subjects, it will have an inevitable negative impact on the output. In Government too, the issue can never be more crucial of course. What is a governing body without communication? Or better yet, what is a democracy without the aspect of ‘for the people, of the people and by the people’? Someone told me ‘communication is the key to a successful relationship’. Well, I couldn’t agree more. I found myself realising I could well relate to that personally too. Although I am not exactly good in that area, I particularly enjoy the company of people who are able to express themselves in a way that helps me understand them. If they can communicate their emotions or ideas or challenge mine and strike a conversation or an interesting argument, I’m a fan. I guess we all do! Although some of us are a little more of chatter boxes than others, the need for communication remains as essential to our persona as it is to our society!To the leaders, someone, a while back, had an amazing tweet for you; "Leadership without focusing on relationships is like taking a bath without soap. It sounds good, but it is not effective.” Therefore, relationships only qualify as good ones based on the level of communication.