The real world doesn’t care about popularity

I used to think popularity or competition in school was only for the movies but I was dead wrong. In my school, there were cliques and all the drama high school has to offer. Far away as we are from what we see in the movies, popularity and competition very much exist in our own schools.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
An education is way more important than being hot. Net photo

I used to think popularity or competition in school was only for the movies but I was dead wrong. In my school, there were cliques and all the drama high school has to offer. Far away as we are from what we see in the movies, popularity and competition very much exist in our own schools. Being popular means no one picks on you or calls you names; on the contrary, they will suck up to you just to get you to like them  while secretly resenting you inside. If you’ve watched high school movies like Mean Girls or Never Been Kissed, you will know that being popular comes with a price. For one, you have to keep the image up. Nothing seals doom like a fallen high school idol! It’s like a cop going to jail!In all honesty, you don’t have to apologize or feel bad about being rich or good looking.  But you don’t have to remind others that they are not what you are either! The fact that your parents make Oprah Winfrey look like a welfare case does not give you the right to trash the less fortunate. It’s like flashing your iPhone around then asking another person why they hold a Tigo phone. Or having lunch prepared by a first class chef delivered to you every day then ask someone else why they eat the poorly cooked food at the school cafeteria! One thing you need to understand is being pretty or cute is not by choice. If we could choose the way we looked then trust that the whole world would be full of Jessica Alba’s and Taylor Lautner’s! So the girl with the really bad acne shouldn’t be picked on because she didn’t personally damage her own face.Try to have real goals and not ridiculous pondering of becoming the next Kim Kardashian or real housewife of Nyarutarama. Popularity worked for Kim, it pretty much got her everything she ever dreamed of.  But you are not Kim or Justin Bieber for that matter and at least Justin works hard for his money.  Use high school to discover more about your self and that will help you set even better goals. There are many ways to be popular without selling yourself short. Save from striving to be the best student academically, you could make your school proud through sports and other extra curricular activities. Cheap popularity might get you the attention you think is great but once you are out, there is a bigger world waiting for you and it doesn’t care if you were the ‘ish’ (read the bomb), the kid with the thousand dollar gadgets  or the biggest loser in school.