A life in the day of a.... Alex Keter

DIPLOMAT On principle, I wake up at 6:30, and have a word of prayer to the almighty, after which I freshen up, and do some surfing, to be upfront with the latest news of the day. This is early morning information search, befits my position, being a representative of the entire Kenyan government in Rwanda.

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Kenyan Ambassador Alex Keter. (Photo M. Gahiiji)


On principle, I wake up at 6:30, and have a word of prayer to the almighty, after which I freshen up, and do some surfing, to be upfront with the latest news of the day. This is early morning information search, befits my position, being a representative of the entire Kenyan government in Rwanda.

This goes on up to 7:30 when I take my breakfast. And at 8:00, I report to the embassy to execute my duties as mandated. While at work, I coordinate the work of the embassy, which includes ensuring good bi-lateral relations between the two countries, across all issues, facilitating people moving to Kenya and assisting Kenyans in Rwanda.

The fist thing I do when I reach office, is reading news papers, both the Rwandan daily which in most cases happens to be The New Times, and the Kenyan daily, to start a day after knowing what happens home.

Then I check with my secretary for any urgent issues to address, after which I proceed with the day’s tasks, depending on what is on schedule, as pre-set the day before.

At exactly 1:00, I go for lunch, which takes a maximum of 40 minutes, and at 2:00, I report back to work.

On weekends, the programme changes a little because, I go to church with my wife, at 9:30, and from there, I go out with friends for a swallow, which is normally a soft drink and some wine.

In most cases, I retire from office at 5:00, but there are times when we go later than that. It has become my routine to go for a walk, to keep physically fit.

While at home in the evenings, I revisit the news papers to read them in details, and I also visit the internet to read international news and entertainment.

At 7:30, pm, my wife serves dinner, which runs up to 8:00pm. I enjoy it with my wife, since my children are back in Kenya.

After dinner, we watch TV for approximately 1 hour and a half, after which I go into reading, for instance I am now reading a book called (Foreign Affairs, changing china) it depicts how and why china has evolved into a super power.

Normally, I go to bed at 11, which is the time I am accustomed to, and I get enough rest until the next morning.  
