NGOs launch guide to decentralisation policy

A simplified book that will help the population understand and take part in the implementation of the decentralisation policy was launched on Friday.

Sunday, June 24, 2012
Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, appreciated CCOAIB`s contribution. The Sunday Times/ T. Kisambira.

A simplified book that will help the population understand and take part in the implementation of the decentralisation policy was launched on Friday.The 28- page book in Kinyarwanda is a product of the Umbrella Organisation of Local NGOs in Development (CCOAIB)."From our survey, we realised that although people know what the decentralisation policy is all about, most of them consider it to be government concern, not considering their efforts in making it a success,” said Jean Claude Ngendanduwe, the Executive Secretary of CCOAIB.He explained that the book will enable citizens interpret and play their expected role in the implementation of the policy.The project is supported by the Norwegian People`s Aid. Speaking during the launch, the Minister of Local Government, James Musoni, welcomed CCOAIB`s contribution to the process, saying the initiative proves a concrete coordination between government and the civil society in serving Rwandans."This guide will also strengthen and enlighten policy makers and local authorities how best the third phase of the decentralization policy can be implemented,” Musoni said.He explained that when the population gets correct information about the policy, they will also be in a position to hold their leaders accountable when it comes to public service delivery.The Minister highlighted on many factors that have enabled the implementation of the policy, saying that many achievements have been registered ever since the government adopted the policy in 2000."Implementing this policy has been a self re-inventing process characterised by doubling efforts to succeed through learning from challenges which has been an eye opener,” Musoni said.He reminded every stakeholder in the decentralisation process to work together, especially in creating public awareness to engage everyone in national development.