The number of health centres in the country is going to be increased in the coming year. Currently, there are over 438 health centres across the country, said Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, during the mid-year health progress assessment press conference on Friday.
The number of health centres in the country is going to be increased in the coming year. Currently, there are over 438 health centres across the country, said Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, during the mid-year health progress assessment press conference on Friday.She also noted that the number of health posts will also increase with 60 new ones yet to be established. Health posts are the lowest medical facilities.The minister further noted that more Hospitals will also be built and more equipment provided for the health facilities. She noted that Infrastructure has been one of the challenges that are going to be addressed with the new budget allocation."We are addressing the issue of infrastructure by putting up more health facilities with equipment and specialists. We have opened a new hospital in Ruhango and soon, Kinihira and Kibuye hospitals will be opened,” she said.She added that they will also continue to buy more ambulances for districts and increase geographical accessibility for patients.The number of health providers will also be increased, especially in areas where there is shortage.