Relationships:It’s time to rock being single!

Relationships are awesome so let’s just get that out of the way. Love is - well - lovely. We are always surrounded by possibilities of starting up relationships. However, many of us are so caught up with worrying about the next date or when we will finally meet “the one” that they forget how to enjoy the moment.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Relationships are awesome so let’s just get that out of the way. Love is - well - lovely. We are always surrounded by possibilities of starting up relationships. However, many of us are so caught up with worrying about the next date or when we will finally meet "the one” that they forget how to enjoy the moment.Somewhere along the way, being single has turned into a negative thing, a phase in life that we hope and pray doesn’t last too long, because we are certain that our real life will begin when we meet him. So they stifle their fun, live in the future, and wait. First things first, stop feeling sorry for yourself! Just because you’re single and in a spell now doesn’t mean that you are a completely loveless creature who will never find the right guy. What it does mean though is that you have this time to focus solely on yourself. You don’t need to factor in anyone else’s needs or wants. That’s all! Good for you if you’re already taking advantage of this, and if not, get moving. Start taking salsa classes, spend an entire weekend baking till you run out of baking flour or other ingredients or watch your favorite movies until your heart’s content. Whatever you want, that’s the whole point!Think present, not future at least for now. If you are on a relationship focus on how you feel when you’re around him. Do you have such a great time that you absolutely can’t wait to see him again because he’s such an awesome guy who makes you laugh and treats you with respect? If not, cut your losses. It might feel scary to turn your back on a potential partner, but being single is better than being stuck with someone you aren’t ninety five percent into!Remember that while you might feel like it’s quite the opposite; the cards are really all in your hands. You hold all the control. Instead of feeling insecure because you’re single, wake up feeling powerful and in charge. Like a boss, now who won’t like that? Single, in a relationship, married, whatever stage of life you’re in, your relationship status does not define you. If you’re single, wallowing and being a totally depressing human being isn’t the way to attract men ... living the best of your life is! Be a woman who isn’t afraid to shine, a woman who makes it her mission to sparkle. These are the kinds of women men can’t get enough of!Being single is what you make of it, and I suggest you start having some damn good fun. You don’t need to wait for "the one” to start living the life of your dreams because man or not, you are number one.