Simply live your life

Lessons are learnt differently and it doesn’t matter whether it’s an adult, a teenager or a minor. The lesson I learnt was from my niece of 5 years when I took her to Wonder World for the merry-go-round treat I had promised her. She requested me to play with her but I politely turned down her request reasoning that I was too big to join the kids in their attempt to defy the laws of gravity. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lessons are learnt differently and it doesn’t matter whether it’s an adult, a teenager or a minor. The lesson I learnt was from my niece of 5 years when I took her to Wonder World for the merry-go-round treat I had promised her. She requested me to play with her but I politely turned down her request reasoning that I was too big to join the kids in their attempt to defy the laws of gravity.  Later, she decided to go and as the merry-go-round turned with her on board, I also turned, she was screaming with excitement, I wasn’t. Not fun at all. She wanted me to have fun with her.  The merry-go-round was the first lesson she learnt in gravity, for me it was a lesson that served its purpose. Take a look at a merry-go-round, it looks simple in nature but it’s among the most intricate equipments to operate. If it’s not well balanced, it’s dangerous and can even be useless. With me on it, I would weigh it down the same way if life is not well balanced, can be dangerous, boring and useless. The idea of balancing our daily lives is so simple but most of us find it very difficult to understand. Many times, we decide to live in suspense and loose our balance when we are supposed to calmly take charge and decide to balance how we live. As individuals, we are dependent on many things, material and immaterial. When the job gets boring and the paycheck is decreased, you get down. When the lady/gent in your life stops loving you right, it starts a downward spiral. When your family upsets you, you get depressed.  What does this signify? You are the type of person dependent on many factors to be happy. When one thing goes wrong, your life becomes hell.As individuals, we are supposed to be able to keep ourselves in check. Life shouldn’t be a living hell when certain things don’t go right. We shouldn’t let anything or anyone get us down. The best thing is to be able to rise up again however much things go wrong in our lives. When you are confident that you can ably provide for all your needs including your attitude towards life, it is then that you can take full charge of your life and balance life’s ups and downs.Being able to balance your life starts with committing yourself to leaving the past behind and moving on. If you rely on people and situations out of your control to make you happy, then it is more likely that your life will solely depend on the physical surroundings and leave you with little power to make yourself feel better. Once all attention is put on external factors, we surrender the control over our feelings and open ourselves up to other people who can affect us.Nevertheless, don’t ever think that you can act alone. Seek advice; ask for help, for everyone needs an extra hand to make it in life. "No man is an island,” so the saying goes. But that’s not to say that you should be too independent, never asking for help, guidance, or support. We all need assistance, companionship, advice to make it through a crisis, or to take the next step in life’s journey.The mantle to an individual’s happiness is held only by the same individual. Take steps to prioritize and put your life before any other thing. Whether you decide to be independent or dependent on other factors is up to you but remember that when all other factors have failed you, it’s your life that will be in the trash can and not anyone else’s.