Wake me up after the search for ‘Mr. Perfect’

Ladies, no offense, live in some fantasy world. It looks like all they do is day-dream and wake up when harsh reality comes knocking. When it comes to describing their ideal man, if they don’t describe their best friend, they describe a combination of a man with a face of William Levy from Spanish telenovas, a body of a gym attendant, money of a millionaire, humor of Chris Rock, style of David Beckham….the list is long.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Ladies, no offense, live in some fantasy world. It looks like all they do is day-dream and wake up when harsh reality comes knocking. When it comes to describing their ideal man, if they don’t describe their best friend, they describe a combination of a man with a face of William Levy from Spanish telenovas, a body of a gym attendant, money of a millionaire, humor of Chris Rock, style of David Beckham….the list is long. Well, it was apparent that ladies believe in getting the perfect gentleman and they believe they can find one. It is after all a matter of sieving through the womanizers to the straight-up guys, from the jobless ones to the corporate ones, from men with a ton of issues to drama free men. If at all they find such a man, they expect to experience love in abundance and the man to rescue her from a planet filled with players and haters who happen to make up a bunch of people who are the antithesis of perfect.But then what if men also resorted to looking forward to meeting a girl as hot as Gabriella Union, face like Jesca Alba, butt like Nicki, can cook like my mother and be graceful like Queen Elizabeth? How possible is this? That’s why men deal with reality and why most women have not been on a date because their fantasies outplay them. Well, why should women want real men yet women wear fake hair, fake hips, do Botox, wear fake nails, fake make-up, fake eyebrows, fake boobs and some with fake accents?  Am sure there are men who have been overlooked because of their jobs, others because of their financial and social status, others have been ignored because they don’t match-up in looks with her imaginary boyfriend and am sure most men have wanted to tell these ladies how they feel about them but after getting a sneer and a cold shoulder, they backed off due to fright or they thought it was next to impossible. There are many ladies out there on a marathon to claim the best standing dude in the world and apparently those who have been in the race and dropped out say it a mission impossible. It is so shocking how these women have developed a customary desire for men high above their caliber that they have no hope of ever getting an inch closer. Ladies believe that the more a man has –be it social or financial, the more irresistible and perfect he is. The search for the perfect man gives some ladies an adrenaline rush that it blinds so much it becomes hard to see their own perfect guy given to them by God.  Their obsession with finding the right guy goes beyond settling for the best she can get. This is when a man’s patience wears out and he is out of the door. When asked why she let the man go, she will misinterpret his understanding as being soft, his spirituality as peculiarity, his money as his panacea, and his optimism will be an effort to hide something. She will call him a "pretender," or say that he was "too good to be true," or "there was too much for one person to do.” Point being, she will never be able to explain her decision properly. This goes to show that these types of women are not ready to love a perfect man; they just want to continue loving the imaginary perfect man. It helps them to relax while at the same time provide a good reason to trash any regular man who can't handle their larger than life expectations. Ladies on a "perfect man search” need to understand that the ambition of a relationship is not about the searching but rather it’s about the finding. Stop looking for the perfect man and sieving them according to your taste. Rather, find an average man; bring out the best in him while you allow him to do the same with you. Ladies should find take their minds off the searching thrill and work hard to find a man with potential could actually be there knight in shining armor. When ladies understand that they need to stop being in love with imaginary men and start dating real men, only then will they be able to realize that a regular man can also be the perfect man.And the best thing about it: She won’t have to day-dream and fantasize about a man she can never get to, she will blossom in the love and care of the imperfect-turned-perfect guy’s love and care.