Editorial: Getting it right on the morality front

There was a time in our history when it was an abomination for any unmarried young lady to get pregnant. Our traditional values and cultural norms could never tolerate any lady who got pregnant before getting married.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

There was a time in our history when it was an abomination for any unmarried young lady to get pregnant. Our traditional values and cultural norms could never tolerate any lady who got pregnant before getting married.

It was also a shame and could even lead to her family being ostracized from the community. Today we take you to Kabakobwa Island where young unmarried ladies who got pregnant would be banished to.

In isolation and with no escape route in the middle of Lake Kivu, they would be left to perish as a punishment and a lesson to others.

In that way traditional society managed to enforce morality and a proper upbringing for young ladies in preparation for marriage.

In our magazine today, we also focus on efforts aimed at assisting women who have lived a life of drugs and prostitution to get back to normal life.

Through work and care many women have been given a new lease of life. We look at the efforts by those who are at the fore front of solving this rather moral problem but with underlying social economic cause.

More so we bring you lots of entertaining reading and we hope you enjoy.
