Terror suspect charged in Kenyan court

A terror suspect was charged on Thursday in a Kenyan court accused of being in possession of materials allegedly used for manufacturing Improvised Explosive Devise.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A terror suspect was charged on Thursday in a Kenyan court accused of being in possession of materials allegedly used for manufacturing Improvised Explosive Devise.Abdullahi Abdisalaan Abdullahi alias Kheyrullah who appeared in a court in Garissa in northern Kenya was accused before Principal Magistrate Hannah Ndung’u that between April 27 and 28, he, arrested at Dadaab refugee complex, together with others wanted to cause harm on the police officers manning the barrier.Abdullahi, who faces three other counts of being in possession of a fire arm and rounds of ammunition without a valid license, was found to be preparing to commit felony and also had intentions to cause grievous harm to the security officers manning the barrier.The court Prosecutor, Mohamed Ali Lokorio, decried lack of enough evidence to prosecute the accused, asking the court to give the police more time to furnish the court with relevant information to warrant his imprisonment.The accused who relied on an interpreter, denied all the charges levelled against him, asking the court to set him free.The magistrate granted the request of the prosecution slating the case for Sept. 24 when it will come for hearing.There has been a string of attacks in northern Kenya by Al- Shabaab militants and their sympathizers since Kenya sent troops into Somalia in October to subdue the insurgents. The group was also blamed for a series of murders and kidnappings on the Kenyan soil, with Dadaab district which hosts the refugee camps being one of the worst hit by the attacks.