New programme to address shortage of health personnel

The number of healthcare providers is set to increase with the new program, Human Resource for Health (HRH) that will be launched this month.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The number of healthcare providers is set to increase with the new program, Human Resource for Health (HRH) that will be launched this month.The program is expected to bridge the skills gap within the health sector thus advancing the development of a high quality and sustainable healthcare system.Speaking at a press conference, the Minister of Health, Dr. Agnes Binagwaho, said the HRH Program will help the ministry create a critical number of highly skilled health professionals to ensure access to quality health services for people at all levels."The number, quality, skill level of clinicians and health science educators, including medical doctors, nurses, midwives and oral health professionals, will increase dramatically through the programme,” she said.The number of health centres is also going to increase, according to the Minister. Currently, there are over 438 health centres across the country but 38 more are going to be set up in the coming year with 60 new health posts expected. The allocation for the Ministry of Health, in the national budget has also increased by 11.6 percent, from Rwf 66.3 billion in the last financial year, to RWF 74 billion this year.According to the minister, much of the spending will be dedicated to improving geographical accessibility to healthcare, drugs and improving quality and demand for services.