Unique in built pieces for your home décor

IT is not an everyday event that you come across unique pieces of furniture or designs that you can incorporate in your home to upgrade your home décor.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

IT is not an everyday event that you come across unique pieces of furniture or designs that you can incorporate in your home to upgrade your home décor.Home decor we can all agree that is an artwork which reflect our taste, our lifestyle, our emotions, our attachment with our home, our love and dedication for our home. Home decoration is an effort to decor our home to make it more lively, more beautiful, more warm and more inviting.That is why recently, designers have come up with ingenious ways to have unique items take center stage in your home, so that you enjoy your home in every little way possible. In my travelling escapades, I recently visited my partner’s cousin who happens to be a senior bachelor and living in a typical bachelor’s pad. Even though the apartment was small, this man managed to come with clever ways of decorating his apartment.Believe it or not, unlike the normal bookshelves we are all used to in our homes or office library, this man’s bookshelves are underground and deliberately slanted, designed to look different. This skewed impression was created by making a hole and planted with a little bottom shelf.So that the holes will make the bookshelves look skewed and unusual. This he told us, he copied the design after a visit to one of the Asian countries. He liked the design so much that when he came back home he worked hard with his interior designer and incorporated the same in his apartment.These types of bookshelves are always put in the corner of the room, or places that are not used as a road, for ease of movement. Depending on what a person wants it can contain several units, ranging from large to small.These types of bookshelves not only deal with small space, but they complement the home interiors too.Another way of having unique pieces in your home is by thinking outside the box in terms of furniture.I also saw some interesting furniture that are stretched, curved, and stacked  that will make a lovely addition to any modern, contemporary, eclectic, and even traditional home. It is just up to you where to put it in your home, but wherever you put these nice pieces of furniture, that space would definitely be more lively and charming.Instead of going out there to buy the usual furniture that you will get in home X or Y, you can have an interior decorator instead, to design unique in built furniture. The built in furniture are so unique that they can be of different types meant for fitting into different types of rooms of your house; for example kitchen, bedroom, library, living room and even children’s rooms. Moreover, the advantage here is that they can be of different kinds which mean you can get a built in variety of every type of furniture which definitely adds to the convenience of your furnishing items. It might sound almost inane, but at the end of your work project, you will have the most unique pieces of furniture that only you own.