Ladies, are you craving for your ‘type’?

HAVE you ever found yourself drawn to the same type of person over and over again, simply because they are your “type”? Or perhaps you find yourself in the same kind of relationship one after the next. It’s as if your dating life is on some sort of rhyme, and you can’t change the tunes.

Friday, June 22, 2012

HAVE you ever found yourself drawn to the same type of person over and over again, simply because they are your "type”? Or perhaps you find yourself in the same kind of relationship one after the next. It’s as if your dating life is on some sort of rhyme, and you can’t change the tunes. Just like anything else in our lives, we naturally crave for what is comfortable ... even if it’s not the best for us, or if it doesn’t necessarily make us happy, and even if it’s holding us back.Small or seemingly insignificant changes can break you out of your safety bubble and highlight what you really need in a man. So after some soul search and personal experiences (yours truly) here’s how!Before you accept a date with someone or decide that you’re interested in them, make sure you have established the why. Why do you want to spend time with this person? Why are you attracted to them? Can you vocalize it or put words to it? If it’s simply because they fit the mold of every guy you’ve dated in the past, you might want to hang up the phone or hit the delete button. There has to be a reason as to why you’re interested in them above and beyond type casting. Another way to break out of a dating comfort zone is to take a huge risk and jump out of the box. Try grabbing a happy hour drink with a guy who is so far removed from the men you usually date or consider dating, who says that is almost can be or can’t fun?By exposing yourself to all kinds of new and exciting elements, you’re opening yourself up to the possibilities of more and more love connections. You’re also training your brain to adopt a new way of thinking, to see each man for who he really is. Instead of falling head over heels for a "type,” you’ll become smitten with a man on a much more personal level. Some of the best relationships are the ones that come out of the blue or from nowhere.So make sure that along the way, you are mindful of how you feel. You may feel nervous or totally out of your element when you’re on dates with guys you wouldn’t have given a second glance to before, and that’s exactly how it’s supposed to feel when you’re breaking out of a comfort zone, but it’s worth it! By playing it safe, you’re existing in a world of emotions and unpredictability. Dating is an opportunity to hone in on exactly what you need in a relationship and from a partner, your type or not. So come on ladies, join me in this world that offers a chance to decide your own fate, and there shouldn’t be anything predictable about it because love will surprise you, if you let it.