Fight Genocide ideology, Polisi urges students

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Denis Polisi has called upon university students to be the vanguards in the fight against the Genocide ideology in the country.

Friday, May 09, 2008

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Denis Polisi has called upon university students to be the vanguards in the fight against the Genocide ideology in the country.

He said this while addressing students of the Kigali Independent University (ULK) at the campus auditorium Wednesday evening.

"You must stand up and fight the Genocide ideology. This is another virus that needs to be eliminated in our society," Polisi said.

Polisi was explaining to hundreds of students of the university the role of parliament in fighting Genocide ideology.

He gave a history of the government’s efforts to fight the ideology and making Rwanda a better place after the 1994 Genocide.

"Several meetings were held and we concluded that some parties had to clean up their closets. Parties like MDR harboured Genocide ideologies and failed to clean up until when it was dissolved," he said.

Polisi added that Democracy and Justice were among other major problems that had to be fixed, he told students that Rwandans had to seek solutions to their own problems.

The lawmaker revealed that several Member of Parliament resigned for having participated in 1994 Genocide and others were discovered to harbouring Genocide ideologies.

He stressed that parliament has been and will continue to be instrumental in fighting the Genocide Ideology. He mentioned the law against the genocide ideology which was recently endorsed by parliament. The law is currently before the Senate.
