Gatsibo schools get water

Gatsibo–Plan Rwanda, a local NGO, has donated water facilities to Rwimbogo complex and Nyarubuye Secondary Schools in Rwimbogo sector, Gatsibo District on Wednesday.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Gatsibo–Plan Rwanda, a local NGO, has donated water facilities to Rwimbogo complex and Nyarubuye Secondary Schools in Rwimbogo sector, Gatsibo District on Wednesday.They include 10,000-litre water tanks and drinking water fountains worth Rwf 29.6 million.Prosper Mukiza, the head teacher of Rwimbogo Complex Primary School, said having clean water at the school would improve sanitation and greatly reduce the amount of money spent on water by the school."We spend a lot of money on water…to clean the school kitchen and students have to wash their feet after walking long distances,” he said.The school administrators said they used to depend on water from a swamp 3kms away."Water for cooking and general cleaning was fetched 3kms away from school at Ku Murego well.This exposed teachers and students to several water-born diseases,” said Ignatius Mwebaze, the head teacher of Ruhuha School.Diana Umutesi, a Senior Two student told The New Times that some students drop out of school due to the long distances they had to walk to fetch water."I always walk one kilometre to come to school…this fatigue was compounded by other distances I covered to fetch water. With water in abundance, we can now wash our bodies…otherwise, we would see many drop-outs,” Umutesi said.Plan Rwanda, which started operating in 2007, supports development programmes in the districts of Bugesera, Gatsibo and Nyaruguru. It helps poor children to access their rights to health, quality education and a sustainable future.