The question of age and relationships

In the kind of society we live in, it appears to be prestigious for a man to have a young wife. Well, society has accepted this but of course, some people will point fingers while others will applaud. That is simply the way it is.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

In the kind of society we live in, it appears to be prestigious for a man to have a young wife. Well, society has accepted this but of course, some people will point fingers while others will applaud. That is simply the way it is.Just so you should know, women too have their preferences, we too are filled with joy when we find "young love” or "old love” , whatever it is we are interested in. But while we are at it, shall we please drop lingo like, cougar or gold-digger and sugar mummy. We need not be reminded that we live in the 21st Century and in a free world where free will reigns.It is such a cliché after all but the truth is, age is just a number. It might downright sound naive because there are challenges that might come up of course. It should also be noted that there are sacrifices that need to be made if you are going to date a man or woman much younger or older than you. Because of the mismatched life experiences, some things might have to be affected; things like career, travelling, children and so much more. If one partner has been there and done that, then it might seem a little unfair to the other partner who hasn’t had the adventure of their lifetime. One of the things to consider before you commit to a man or woman three times older than your age, is general health. When you make the marriage vows of through "sickness and in health” for a partner who is 65 and you are 25, then there is most likely going to be trouble somewhere. You might want to think of your life as a lover or carer. The choice is yours of course.You might want to think about your lifestyle too. Are you ready to stand up and defend your partner when a stranger mistakes them for your father or mother, or are you going to shy away?If two people are comfortable with each other, I do not see why other people should get concerned about the age difference between them. No doubt, age might describe somebody’s experience in life, but it should not be a base factor when it comes to dating, future goals, personality, family background and most of all, sexual chemistry. The combination of these factors should matter much more than age. The age gap differences in relationships need a lot of dedication, patience, honesty and most importantly, great communication skills.I will personally will tell you that love is not only blind but is also hopeless with numbers—love is a pretty lousy mathematician.